To solve a task, you check the requirements. Looking back to the history of the Chart of Athens, we realise it is more valuable to regard the trends than to list actual tasks. We are living in a rapidly changing world: Digitalisation, Clima Crisis, Covid-19, just to name some recent fundamental experiences. Therefore, trends instead of requiremnts is my first conclusion for my conditions for the Helix-House. Panta rei.
Concerning the construction of an expensive builiding the term Life-Time -Cycle-Cost became a dominant ranking. Even if we don't intend it, we should be able to give back nature what we got. We must be prepared, to give back our playground, renaturalize it. Settle elsewhere.
The Helix-House is a construction utilizing technology. Keeping in mind one of the most impressive changes in the last decades by the Smartphone for Anything, not only communication, we must acknowledge its origine of the trial&error-principle of his pioneer Steve Jobs who had experienced more errors in his works than winners. We must try much more experiments in building, the Helix-House is just one example. Get rid of the to big burden of rules, overvome the small-square thinking.
Back to the Charta of Athens, we find some trials for updates or claims for updates, the Leipzig-Charta is a recent one, compiled from several hundred contributions for the EU under the preassure of having 75% of its population living in cities. Summarizing the core findings, first of all, the charta aims at an european solution, including a renaissance and revitalisation of the existing cities. This reminds, by the way, that quite different approaches are required in specific for the globally fast growing megacities Even each of the megacities closest to Europe in equatorial Africa and Egypt need specific means. The next finding in the Leipzig-Charta concerns the clima crisis requiring a bundle of different measures from cities. Involvement of the citicen is required more than ever as social concience and movement, fed by social media, plays a rapidly growing role. This is in strong interaction with governance required for cities. And, last not least, it must be agreable to live in the cities which means much more than a few beautiful cites and buildings and includes communication by walking, bicycle and public transportation as main components.
Let us use this picture of four chipboard srews with their helix structure on a table of old wood as a symbol in this chapter on the general conditions and framework from nature to technology for the Helix-House.